During the course of recent inspections of various UCBs following common irregularities have been observed by Reserve Bank of India
the difference between CRAR as worked out by bank and Inspecting Officer (I O) of RBI due to IFR not considered by I O as tier II capital , Short provision if any not deducted from Tier I Capital, treatment given to excess BDDR etc
A) Creation of IFR :- Should have been created out of net profit on sale of Govt securities by way of appropriation
B) Govt securities should be shown at acquisition cost and there should not be any Premium A/c for the securities purchase at premium.
C) Concept of front office and back office
D) Deal slip to be prepared and serially numbered
E) Confirmation copy of deal to be obtained as well as sent.
F) Classification of security at the time of purchase depending on intension of purchase
G) Entire SLR i.e. 25% of NDTL to be maintained in Govt securities which are eligible for SLR purpose.
H) Maximum amount of securities in HTM category should not exceed 25% of NDTL
I) Limit per broker
J) Quarterly certificate of holding of SLR securities and Non SLR securities by Auditors to be submitted to RBI
K) Half yearly review of Investment portfolio as on 31 March and 30 Sept to be submitted to RBI
L) Non SLR investment should not be more than 10% of previous year deposits
M) Non SLR security is to be classified under AFS category
N) Due diligence for purchase of Non SLR security
O) Purchase of Non SLR security should be within single party exposure limit as per prudential exposure norms based on capital fund
P) Securities kept under AFS/HFT category should be mark to market at frequent intervals and provide for depreciation in the value of securities, if any and ignore appreciation
Q) Amortization , if security purchased at premium and held under HTM category
R) Investment policy
S) Investment committee